Every new generation comes with its share of challenges. We're here to prepare each with a curriculum that's as dynamic as the changing world.

Communication, Language & Literacy

(Hindi and English)

Be it interactive plays, vocabulary games, class debates, or story-telling, our methods focus on introducing language as a natural and fun activity.

The World of Numbers & Spaces

Numbers look better in practice. For that, we teach logical reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving and more through quizzes, tools, and practical activities.

Physical Development

A core focus on developing both physical and mental facilities. Gross motor coordination, fine motor /muscle coordination, eye-hand coordination matched with a flexible and open mindset.

Creative Expression

Self-expression is crucial for every child’s identity, self-confidence, and sense of belonging. We guide children to express and understand their feeling through drawing, painting, drama, clay modeling, dance, and more.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

One of the most crucial ways to develop self-confidence, empathy, and the ability to maintain meaningful friendships. We develop these by giving responsibilities, introducing music, reading, outdoor sport, and team building activities.

Understanding the world

Where we go beyond maps and let children explore cultures, customs and the world through songs, puzzles, map games, town or city explorations, gardening, and more.